Just a quick, random thoughts (whoa, like the totally BS name for this blog?) that came to me as an acquaintance of mine prattles on about what a bad idea it is to consume an energy drink when they have a cocktail of attention deficiencies but that they'll do it anyways...
1. If you think something is a bad idea, just as a rule of thumb; don't do it.
2. Monster's energy is a placebo effect. Mostly. Sure, you might get an initial jolt from the ungodly high levels of sugar and other "-ines" floating in it, but I'm pretty confident that the "OMG I'M SO HYPER XDDDDD" effect it seems to have on young teenagers and stupid adults is just their imagination. Or maybe they have some problem processing sugar in their blood stream, I don't know.
3. Don't be that person who acts like a spider monkey pumped on adrenaline, bouncing off the walls and shouting with little to no coherency, because no one likes them. It's not cute. It's not endearing. It's annoying, obnoxious, and quite possibly, destructive to everyone else's property.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find a safer location to browse the internet before a certain someone crushed my laptop with a stray foot.
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